In January 2015, I was a commercial helicopter pilot preparing for my CFI checkride, and like anyone who has experienced that stage of flight training, I was overwhelmed staring down the mountainous task of preparing my lesson plans. Some resources online had a CFI binder you could print off, some were just downright useless. All I wanted was content for the required lessons in PowerPoint form, to save me prep time before the checkride.
I never found a resource like that.
So after I passed my checkride, I made the decision to publish my lesson plan content, to give a hand to anyone starting the daunting task of creating lesson plans from scratch. This company is a result of that decision.
,Spencer Kohler
-Owner, Kohler Aviation

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Q: Who are these PowerPoints for?
A: These PowerPoints are for any pilot preparing for their CFI checkride. They are also for current CFI's looking to update their teaching material.
Q: Are these lesson plans ready to go for the CFI checkride?
A: Not without review, and practice first. These PowerPoints are what I used to pass my CFI oral in 2015. However, I would highly recommend taking time to familiarize yourself with the content, edit them to your preference, and thoroughly practice teaching from them before you walk into a checkride. I try my best to keep these updated according to the newest regulations, however, there may be sections that may be out of date. I offer partial rebates to customers who notice an error in the PowerPoints and notify me, to ensure many eyes are on the product, and it is constantly updating.
Q: How are these PowerPoints used?
A: These are to be used by a CFI in a checkride, or ground school environment to teach new students. These are a teaching aid for a CFI, but do not replace the CFI.
Q: I am new to flying, will these PowerPoints help me?
A: No. This product is for pilots preparing for their CFI checkride, and current CFI's only.
Q: Do you have a military/law enforcement discount?
A: Yes. Please reach out to me via the contact page of this site, or by email at: kohlerspencer@gmail.com for the discount code.
Q: Will this product assist me in becoming a CFI, and training new pilots?
A: Yes.
Q: Does this product have IFR content?
A: No, it only contains private and commercial rating information.
Q: Can I print off these lesson plans and use them as a CFI binder in a checkride?
A: Short answer:
Yes, this is exactly what I did for my checkride.
Longer answer:
DPE's can have different preferences, and I would highly recommend speaking to them, or others who have done their checkride with them, to be absolutely sure. PowerPoints are becoming more common in checkrides, and DPE's recognize this
Q: Are these PowerPoints for the Robinson or Schweitzer aircraft?
A: Robinson, specifically R22.
Q: Are any samples available for viewing?
A: Yes, click on the button below to download a sample lesson plan. (Must be on desktop version with PowerPoint installed. Mobile version coming soon.)
Q: How do I purchase?
A: Click the link below, all payments are processed using Sellfy, and Paypal

Core Lesson Plans
Basic aerodynamics
Helicopter Aerodynamics
Performance and Limitations
Weight and Balance
Flight environment 1 communications
Flight environment 2 National airspace system
Visual scanning and collission avoidance
Weather information Sources
Navigation 2
Certificates Airworthiness and maintenenace
Aeromedical factors
Critique and Evaluation
Flight Instructor Characteristics and Responsibilities
Human Behavior
Logbook Entries and Certificate Endorsements
Planning Instructional Activity
Teaching Methods
The Learning Process
The Teaching Process
Fundamentals Of Instruction

Maneuver Lesson Plans
Pickup to a Hover
Pinnacle Ops
Quick Stops
Running Take off
Settling with power
Shallow approach (Running Landing)
Slope Operations
Steep Approach
Straight and Level
Straight in Autos
Traffic Patterns
180 Degree Autorotations
Air Taxi
Confined Areas
Forced Landings
Go Arounds
Hover Taxi
Hovering Autorotations
Landing From a Hover
Low RPM Recovery
Max Performance Takeoff
Normal Approach
Normal Takeoff